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Blue Eyes Technology Pdf Free Download

Blue Eyes Technology PPT with Seminar Report (PDF)

The Basic Idea Behind Blue Eyes Technology

Since 1997, the team of IBM at its Almaden Research Center (ARC) in San Jose, California is conducting researches on technology that aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory abilities like those of human beings. It uses a non-obtrusive sensing method, employing most modern video cameras and microphones to identify the user's actions through the use of imparted sensory abilities. The machine can understand what a user wants, where he is looking at, and even realize his physical or emotional states. It has the ability to gather information about you and interact with you through special techniques like facial recognition, speech recognition, etc. It can even understand your emotions at the touch of the mouse. It verifies your identity, feels your presence, and starts interacting with you. You ask the computer to dial your home urgently. It realizes the urgency of the situation through the mouse, dials your mother at home, and establishes a connection.

Blue Eyes Technology seminar report

Blue Eyes technology Seminar Report

Here we have uploaded a few papers for the Blue Eyes technology seminar report. Download these Blue Eyes technology PDF papers to study this emerging technology in modern engineering. The Blue Eyes technology seminar report papers are based on hard facts, research and experiences gathered from different authors, books, journals, documents from websites in hope that it will serve as an adequate learning resource for intended readers. The papers discussed Blue eyes technology to aid the understanding and significance of Blue eyes technology in modern engineering technology identifying the advantages of using artificial intelligence technology and the limitations of artificial intelligence technology. The seminar report papers conclude by recognizing the benefits of using blue eyes technology in modern engineering, the type of users that can operate the blue eyes technology system, and its effectiveness in modern engineering.

Why is Blue eyes technology necessary?

Human errors are still one of the most frequent causes of catastrophes and ecological disasters. The main reason is that the monitoring systems concern only the state of the processes whereas human contribution to the overall performance of the system is left unsupervised, he/she may not notice important changes of indications causing financial or ecological consequences thereby creating a threat to human life. Blue eyes system is developed to be the complex solution for monitoring and recording the operator's conscious brain involvement as well as his physiological condition such as weariness thereby preventing unnecessary recurrence of human errors which in turn saves life and properties.

In modern engineering, blue eyes technology:

  • Reduces cost in production and manufacturing materials
  • Reduces fatigue/weariness on operators/users
  • Prevents dangerous incidents
  • Ability to suggest a better course of action during daily activities.

The limitations of Using Blue eyes technology involve the following:

  • Target not selected if not looked at for a set threshold.
  • Target selected if stared at without user intention.

What type of users can operate the blue eyes technology system?

Users belong to three categories; Operators, Supervisors and System administrators.

  • Operator: An Operator is a person whose physiological parameters are supervised. The operator wears the DAU. The only functions offer to the operator are Authorization to the system and receiving alarm alerts:
  • Authorization: Operator has to enter his personal PIN into DAU if the PIN is accepted, authorization is said to be complete.
  • Receiving Alerts: This function supplies the operator with the most important alerts about his and his co-workers' condition and mobile device state.
  • Supervisor: He is the person responsible for analyzing operators' condition and performance. The supervisor receives tools for inspecting present values of the parameters (on-line browsing) as well as browsing the results of the long-term analysis (off-line browsing).
  • System Administrator: He is the user that maintains the system. The administrator is delivered tools for adding new operators to the database, defining alarm conditions, configuring logging tools and creating new analyzer modules.


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